Here's one for all of you that take WAY too many pictures at one event! I know I do. Its hard to narrow it down sometimes! In fact the last few days have all been photos from a one afternoon event...the 4th of July. Marcus' brother and his family came up to visit from SC, as well as both sets of grandparents. We took the boys to throw the baseball in the park, played Monopoly, cooked out, goofed around, and celebrated all our july family birthdays... 4 of them!!! It was a LOT of photos!! So this layout I used for the birthday shots.
I kinda cheated, seeing as how this page was already made as a class sample, I had just never put pics on it...but I thought it was a bit simpler than the last couple. and too, it got more photos off my desk and onto a page that was blank and waiting!!
All the materials are Stampin' Up! I used Real Red, Ballet Blue, Brilliant Blue, and Green Galore cs and pads. The images are from the sets Big Bold Birthday and Think Big (retired)
For this page I kept all the photos 4x6, even though some of the mats are larger. And I have to say, I really do like blowing up some a bit bigger.
This brings me to the question I wanted to answer from Heather Summers. She wanted to know why I printed photos at home. Well, usually I don't. I send them all off to Walgreens or Snapfish...depending on how fast I want them back. THEN as I am working on a page I decide if I want a larger version of one or more pics. I print these off at home. I always have a great printer, thanks to my techno-loving dad who has to have the best of the best, and well, guess who gets last years best model? ME!! And if you look closely at the page from yesterday you'll see that the blown up version is WAY better quality than the ones I sent off to Walgreens. It makes me want to print them all at home, its just more expensive.
So, be sure to head over to Heather's blog, she always has great pages!! Click here ------>Stamp with Heather. Thanks to all who have participated in the challenges! Please send me a link as a comment to this post so I can see what you create!!
Happy Scrapping! -Cyndi
I LOVE this layout because I always take a TON of pics of one event and this allows me to actually get to use them - LOL! This is great!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Posted by: Alexandra Hobson | February 22, 2008 at 10:50 AM
I always end up with hoards of photos, too - this is a great arrangement for using a number of them in one layout!! Thanks for the idea!
Posted by: Patricia | February 22, 2008 at 02:53 PM
Great LO..
I am one that always takes
tons of pictures too!
Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Dee | February 23, 2008 at 02:19 PM
this is great, Cyndi! Love these ideas and layouts and I will visit Heather's blog for some added inpspiration! tfs you fab scrapbook pages! hugs and happy Sunday!
Posted by: Linsey | February 24, 2008 at 02:38 PM
Better late than never!!!!
Posted by: Beth | April 07, 2008 at 04:21 PM